Sodium Humate Powder / Flakes



  • Humic Acid: 55% min
  • Sodium: 6% min


  • For Cattle - 2-3 kg per ton of feed
  • For Aquaculture - 
  1.  Water purified: 500 gm -1 kg / 600 m2
  2. Shading & kill of moss: 2 kg – 5 kg / 600 m2
  • For Poultry- 
  1. Chicken, Duck, Goose: 3-5% of total dry food for Adult, 1% for Youth

Salient Features:

  • Poultry:
  1. Effectively reduces stress and prevents chicken feathers, appendix, and soft foot disease
  2. Increases appetite
  3. Increases the egg production rate of laying hens by 11%-20%
  4. Improves eggshell quality
  5. Reduces faecal odour and prevents diarrhoea
  6. Used for stopping bleeding in livestock and poultry


  • Pigs:
  1. Reduces the risk of diarrhoea at weaning and in the pre-fattening, stage caused by feed
  2. change and re-grouping
  3. Improves feed conversion, thus leading to a better weight gain
  4. Reduces ammonia emission and smell
  5. Can improve the milk yield and the reproduction of sows 


  • Cattle:

  1. In calves, reduces the risk of diarrhoea in the first month and improves vitality
  2. In dairy cows, reduces the risk of mastitis and high somatic cell counts.
  3. Improves feed conversion
  4. Reduces ammonia emission and smell


  • Aquaculture:

  1. Treats turbidity, pan-bottom, dead algae, oil film, foam and other water quality conditions
  2. Inhibits moss growth; the moss dies without enough sunlight
  3. Improves soil (especially for sandy soil)
  4. Commonly used with oxygenator, antidote, disinfectant, bacteriological preparation, etc.